Life at Ash! A Project from Lydie and Anita


Morning friends, time to share with you another project from graduation June 2019. This time we have the work of Lydie (France) and Anita (Austria), who were with us for 9 months. Which Catalyst stream were you a part of? We were both part of the creative ministry steam What did you learn from your experience […]

Graduation December 2019 – Beautiful Diversity!

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With Christmas only a few days away the excitement is really starting to rise, as people think about the fun times that are to come over the next week and also the fact that the beautiful bubble, they’ve been living in for the last 6-12 months is about to pop, it can be bittersweet. We […]

Gideon Releases his first single “Home”, written at Ashburnham Place

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Gideon, from Germany finished the Catalyst volunteer programme at the end of the summer 2019 and left us in early September. Whilst he was here, he wrote his first song and recorded it. Now it has been released on Spotify and iTunes (click the relevant link to purchase his song). I caught up with Gideon […]

Christian shares his Learning’s from the Life Theology Stream

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One of the great joys of living as part of the Ashburham Place community is being able to meet people at the beginning of their stay and then get to know them and to see how they develop during their time here. Todays blog post and share is from Christian from Italy, it was such […]

Macey – Connecting with God outside the usual Boundaries

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Whilst there is no doubt that we continually have amazingly talented groups of volunteers with us at all times, it is really nice to see something totally different at the graduation ceremony. Macey from the USA bought us something new in December 2019 with her photographs taken with the use of a Camera Obscura (pinhole […]

Maddy – Fearlessness will Open new Doors!

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I’ve got another wonderful final graduation project to share with you today. It is such a great opportunity that the young people have whilst they are here, to write, record and release their own song. Maddy from Germany was with us from January to September 2019 and she was just 18 when she arrived. Which […]

A Touching and Spectacular Acapella Performance from Sári

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Morning friends. I am delighted to share with you probably my favourite graduation project ever (well, so far!) This week I introduce you to Sári, from Hungary who stayed with us for around eleven months in 2019. Which stream of the Catalyst volunteer programme where you on? I was part of the Creative ministry stream. […]

Graduation – August 2019 – What an Event!

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Image Credits: Michelle Pannell Tuesday night the excitement mounted as we all sat in the Hippodrome theatre, Eastbourne. Our opulent and historic surroundings, with red velvet seats and twinkle lights set the scene perfectly. We’d all gathered to see the final projects created by the 14 graduates that are leaving our Catalyst programme and moving […]

A Powerful Drama/ Dance from Kseniya & Sung Min

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The graduation project I have to share with you today is a real treat. Sung Min from South Korea and Kseniya from Kazakhstan came together, and with the help of many of their friends they performed a very powerful piece of drama/ dance. Have a watch and enjoy –  Video Credit: Michelle Pannell * […]

Letter from God, final project from Lucie

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Lucie from France was a volunteer with us for nine months from September 2018 until June 2019. She was part of the creative Stream and said “I’ve learned so many things that will I be able to write all of them down? I will try my best … Catalyst definitely helped me to grow in […]