Gideon Releases his first single “Home”, written at Ashburnham Place


Deborah Volunteer

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Gideon, from Germany finished the Catalyst volunteer programme at the end of the summer 2019 and left us in early September. Whilst he was here, he wrote his first song and recorded it. Now it has been released on Spotify and iTunes (click the relevant link to purchase his song).

I caught up with Gideon in December 2018, to see how things were going with him.

*   What stream of the Catalyst volunteer programme where you a part of?
I was part of the Creative Catalyst Stream.

*   What did you learn during your time on the Catalyst programme?
The first thing I learned was, that God gave every woman and every man a talent, a big gift, which they can use for the community of the Lord. I am also happy that I have learned how to manage and lead a band, to have more ability and self-confidence, to use my own voice and to encourage other volunteers. I am really grateful for the opportunity I had at Ashburnham Place and I recommend this place to others, who really want to learn and get to know their gift better, which they acquired from God Himself.

*   Tell us about your final graduation project.
My final graduation piece was about my first song “Home”. I performed this one in my last days at Ashburnham Place.

It’s been a new experience for me, on the one hand to write songs and on the other hand to work in a sound studio. I am grateful that the people in Ash gave us the opportunity to do those things and I would do it every time again. Besides, it was a good experience to write my first song, because I could put something from myself into it and show people who I am and what I stand for.

*   What are you doing now?
At the moment I am doing my “master of arts” in theology in Elstal, a small village next to Berlin.

*   Any advice or message for future volunteers?
I want to give future volunteers the advice: Do not waste your time in Ashburnham Place. Maybe you will have good times, maybe you will have difficult times. But in my case, God wanted to show me something for my life. If you ask Him for your vocation/calling, He will give you an answer, often in a way that you cannot predict. Have a good time with your friends in Ashburnham Place, but also have a productive time with God. It’s worth it.

Thank you so much Gideon, that is great advice for others who are coming here to be part of our community. I really enjoyed listening to your new single, and all the very best in finishing your studies and continuing your walk with the Lord.

Or listen to the recored version –



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